About Me

How cool I look

Who am I?

Hi, I'm Andrew! I am currently a seinor at Sunset High School in Oregon. I am hopeing to go into Cybersecurity one day, as well as continue to explore Astronomy. If you want to contact me, you can email me at ajdwashburn@gmail.com or check out the contact page for more ways.

My Accomplishments

2024: Published as a co-author on a scientific paper in The Astronomical Journal
Here is the Paper: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/1538-3881/ad77d2

2023: Hired as a Lifeguard at THPRD
2023: Complete Programming Course with a researcher at Los Alamos
2023: Achieve Eagle Scout in Boy Scouts
2023: Attend 241st meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Seattle
2022: Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
2022: Brotherhood, OA
2022: Philmont Scout Ranch, hiked route 12-30, over 100+ miles
2022: Invited to join High School/Undergraduate Mentoring Group
2022: Joined NASA Backyard Worlds Planet 9 Science Work Group
2022: Beaverton High School Varsity Swim Team
2021: Elected into Boy Scouts Order of The Arrow
2020: NW Science Expo Participant
2020: Top Ten Middle School Science Fair Projects
2020: Guy’s & Dolls Play
2019: Charlie & the Chocolate Factory Play
2018: Accepted into Rachel Carson Environmental Middle School
2018: Cub Scouts Arrow of Light
2017: Black Belt Tai Kwon Do